PWQC Annual Meeting Summary
Monday August 16, 2021
We held the Annual Meeting for Pocasset Water Quality Coalition (PWQC) Saturday 8/14/21.
An estimated 80+ people attended. The Board of Directors spoke to update everyone on the Coalition’s progress.
In a meeting with Town of Bourne officials on August 10, 2021, two different officials confirmed that the estimated 140 residents of the Hen Cove area made a major impact when we attended the Selectman’s meeting on September 3, 2019. The result of this community response was the Town creating and funding with $600,000 the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) initiative. The CWMP Plan will be developed over 2 years, using the consultant Environmental Partners, scheduled completion May of 2023. The plan will outline how Bourne deals with wastewater in the future. PWQC has already been a part of the initial input to form the plan, as the initiative is seeking for community response, so stay tuned.
At the Annual Meeting the results of the $50,000 BSC environmental report were discussed. The final report shows that the PWQC initial idea to open a channel between Hen Cove and Pocasset Harbor would not have the desired effect and be the solution. The flushing of the Cove we hoped for would not occur sufficiently. Tides, elevation changes and flow would not happen with enough volume to make a difference. The water quality issues are primarily caused by outdated septic systems, fertilizer, and storm water runoff, an require alternative solutions
Zee Crocker, Executive Director of the Barnstable Clean water Coalition (BCC) was guest speaker. Zee reiterated the same message as the BSC Report without ever seeing it. “We, meaning all of us, caused the problem now it is up to us to fix it.” Outdated septic systems and fertilizer causing excessive nitrogen in water make up the biggest causes of deteriorating salt and fresh water all over Cape Cod. Zee spoke about new septic technology, KleanTu NitROE Wastewater Treatment System (NitROE). This system can be installed in new septic systems but can also be retrofitted to existing Title V compliant septic systems. He also discussed funding options under review in other Barnstable towns, including grant opportunities, low/no interest loans, and other incentives to offset what is a high cost investment. We will post a video of how it works on the PWQC website. We thank Zee and Jennifer Loughran of BCC for giving up part of their Saturday morning to help us.
Another guest was our State Senator Susan Moran. The Senator spoke about legislative initiatives that could help our mission. She also answered questions during the Q & A period. We so much appreciated the Senator taking time from her busy schedule to show support.
The meeting last just over an hour. Post meeting comments have been all positive for the having the meeting in general, but limited feedback on the content and results. The job ahead sounds discouraging as there are no easy solutions as Zee testified, but we must stay the course to get this done.
As Board chair, I announced that current 8 Board of Directors is missing 1 member. We should have 9 members. The Board needs your help, as a board member or as helping our various subcommittees: Technical, Communications, Fund Raising and Membership, Liaison to the Town and other organizations, Administration and Finance. If we are to get our water fixed, everyone needs to pitch in. Don’t be bashful, contact any Board Member through our website to volunteer or ask questions about roles that need to be filled.
The Cape Cod Times sent a reporter and a photographer. The was an article in the Sunday Times and an even better article with photos on the Cape Cod Times online. A link to that article is shown below.
Senator Susan Moran Zee Crocker Bob Dwyer VP Pocasset Water Quality Coalition PWQC Board of Directors, Senator Susan Moran, Zee Crocker and Jennifer Loughran of Barnstable Clean Water (L to R: Martha Hoefer, Zee Crocker, Keith Barber, Senator Moran, Jennifer Loughran, Deanna Kardoos, Chris Bade, Frank Gasson) PWQC Members and interested others. Many sat in the sun, many more sat in the shade or under the PHIA pavilion.
Special Thanks to Martha Hoefer and the PHIA for allowing us to use their building.